When you have a bad night of sleep, you already know what the next day is going to be like; yawning all day, feeling tired, having trouble concentrating, and being less productive because your cognitive and behavioral functions will be affected.

The lack of adequate sleep leads to serious repercussions in your ability to think clearly, process memories, pay attention, as well as manage your mood.

Research shows that 7+ hours of sleep promotes your overall health and performance, it enhances your problem-solving ability and creativity, improves your mood, and strengthens your immune system.

We are here to show you how these 5 healthy supplements can help you upgrade your sleep.

Happy Sleeper

These magic capsules from Natural Balance are designed to restore relaxation and induce a peaceful rest, helping you wake up more alert and ready for the day. 

Happy sleeper also promotes muscle repair, healthy blood sugar, and supports the immune activity. 

This relaxing formula is a combination of healthy botanicals, GABA, Melatonin, Valerian, 5 HTP, and L-Theanine, which help you feel calm and improve sleep quality.

Herbs For Kids Valerian Super Calm

Nighttime is not always easy for kids. A few drops of Valerian Super Calm can make all the difference as much for them as for you.

Valerian Super Calm promotes normal sleep, as well as nerve support in children over 1 year. Kids can take it from 3 to 4 times a day depending on their age.


Terry Naturally’s Anxiocalm is the perfect option for those whose sleep is affected by occasional stress, anxiety, nervousness, and excess of worries.

It has been specially prepared with echinacea angustifolia extract and clinically studied to ease your nerves, help relieve anxiety, and support restful sleep.

One of Anxiocalm’s benefits is that it doesn’t cause drowsiness. Take one or two tablets twice a day at bedtime to provide the calm you need for a good night’s sleep.

Natural Calm

Natural calm is an Anti-Stress vegan supplement that ameliorates sleep, reduces pain, promotes heart health, and helps restore magnesium levels.

Magnesium  maintains the brain’s balance and supports nervous system function.

This formula comes in three different flavors: Raspberry Lemon, Original, and Sweet Lemon, and it’s super easy to prepare: just add a teaspoon or two into a cup of water, mix and that’s it!


Melatonin controls sleep and wake cycles. The production of melatonin can be affected by age, diet, stress, and having a busy lifestyle.

Natrol Melatonin helps establish normal sleep patterns, it not only helps you fall asleep faster, but it helps you feel more awake and refreshed the next day.

Natrol Melatonin has an effective non-habit forming and fast-acting formula. 

Staying calm, sleeping better, and having more productive days is easier now than ever with these top 5 healthy supplements you can find at your local Nature’s Discount store, and also at our Webshop.