As parents, we love watching our kids grow and become valuable members of society. We spend time with them, we guide them, and we always try to find time to give them our undivided attention.
We want our children to be active and full of energy so they can excel at all the activities they enjoy.
But, what happens when their energy levels rise to the level of hyperactivity?
As parents, we notice when our children are easily distracted or have difficulty focusing on a single task. Sometimes they might even tune out altogether.
When children have difficulty following instructions they might become impatient, frustrated, or irritated. They might feel the constant need to do something different, interrupt or ignore the task at hand.
What could be behind this kind of behavior?
Many might say is that this kind of distracted behavior is common in children. It is quite common for children to have shorter attention spans compared to adults.
However, children can find themselves under a lot of stress due to constant changes around them. Performing several activities simultaneously can also cause them stress.
Disorders such as the Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) do not have a specific cause(see source), however, in some cases they can be related to blood ties, pregnancy complications, or a chemical imbalance in the brain.

Little did we know, a poor diet can also be behind your children’s attention problems.
Low magnesium levels can cause a deficit of attention in our children. Magnesium regulates the amount of adrenaline released during stressful moments. Low adrenaline levels occur when stress levels are high.
Low levels of magnesium in the body make it difficult for the brain to stay calm and focused on the activity at hand. Even experts like Elbaz, Zahra, and Hanafy (2017) associate low levels of magnesium with disorders such as ADHD (see source)
A balanced diet that includes this macromineral can help us keep our children well focused without losing energy when performing their daily activities. Foods such as spinach, almonds, dark chocolate, avocado, and yogurt are rich in magnesium.
Also, you can find supplements such as the Attentive Child Chewable Wafers ’30s, which contribute to the development of brain metabolism in children. These supplements aid the brain to improve its concentration capabilities. Among its ingredients, this supplement includes magnesium, and substances such as grape seed extract, known for its antioxidant properties.
Now you know. Our children can be active and full of energy, while also concentrating on their daily activities.