Content for a healthier life

If you live in Aruba, Bonaire or Curaçao you must know that we at Nature’s Discount, want to give you as many options as possible for a healthier lifestyle.

Relieve Menopause Symptoms Naturally

Relieve Menopause Symptoms Naturally

Being a woman is to live life while naturally going through stages, surpassing ourselves and growing personally day by day. However, there are certain stages and processes in the life of every woman that generates some level of concern; the arrival of menopause is...

The Importance of Proteins for Gastric Bypass Patients

We have already talked about the importance of nutritional follow-ups post Gastric Bypass Surgery and how it is necessary for patients to take special care of themselves.  Our previous article covered how necessary vitamins and minerals are, especially for...

Nature’s Discount FAQs About CBD Oil

In order to discover the absolute truths and find out the most incredible benefits of this new-found natural compound, Nature’s Discount has interviewed an expert in CBD Oil: Ph.D. Maday Labrador.

5 Wonderful Benefits of Matcha Tea

Matcha tea is a green tea that has become increasingly popular due to its unique flavor, its versatility, and its varied and wonderful health benefits. Matcha is an ancient tea of Chinese origin, which many people know for its close relationship with Japanese culture...

3 Benefits of Collagen you Might not Know

Collagen, one of the most famous proteins in the world of nutrition today, but do you know why? Whether traditional or holistic nutrition, we all know, to a greater or lesser extent, how beneficial collagen is for your body. Collagen is the most abundant protein in...

Supplements and Vitamins to Boost Your Immune System

At Nature’s Discount we want to contribute to your well-being. We know there may be many questions about how to stimulate and strengthen your immune system, so we believe it is important that you know about these 7 supplements and vitamins that will help you keep your health up to date.

Why is magnesium an essential supplement?

Magnesium is involved in more than 600 reactions…
Over 600! It is the fourth most abundant mineral in the body.
We can find it present in processes ranging from energy production to the DNA and RNA creation and repair processes.

10 Benefits of Echinacea

The truth is that flowers are more than a nice ornament or ingredient, some flowers have healing properties that are always worth considering.
World-renowned for its properties against respiratory problems, echinacea is one of the most widely used plants in natural medicine. Our Nature’s Discount team wants to share with you some of its amazing properties.

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